Cigar rollers are not just entertainers but artisans of the old world craft of cigar rolling that are respected by cigar lovers and those that appreciate the history of the craft.
Cigar roller for wedding ct.
A bronx tale cigars.
Cigar rollers provide a bit of entertainment along with a unique favor for your guests to enjoy on site or take home.
They are perfect for birthdays wedding receptions and any other private or professional event you choose to hold.
Have a professional cigar roller at your event.
We re available for weddings parties in the new york city area.
Experience the art of hand rolled cigars.
If you re looking for a fun feature to add to your big day look no further.
Save 100 when you pay in full upon.
Bobalu cigar company offers premium live cigar rolling exhibitions nationwide.
With the lowest prices in the industry our quality hand made private label cigars easy online ordering.
Cigar rollers and events by cf dominicana cigar catering offer not just cigar rollers but a complete presentation suitable only for black tie events.
Our experienced cigar rollers will dazzle your guests with their expert cigar rolling and showmanship.
Cigar rolling demonstrations offered by our events department which.
Our rollers travel everywhere in u s.
Cigar rollers 203 340 6408 connecticut golf wedding trade shows corporate.
A growing number of new york city residents now call beautiful connecticut home and this means more important events are taking place in the nutmeg state.
Cigar roller 400 cigar creations.
We also provide quality and reasonably priced hand rolled cigars premium cigars and accessories for connecticut s cigar aficionados.
The connecticut cigar company provides premium cigar rolling stations.
Our master rollers will delight your guests with the art of cigar rolling.
Doing 100 s of exibitions from weddings to presidential inaugurations.
Our knowledgeable rollers will give your guests a step by step break down on the art of hand rolling experience that showcases the unique making of gourmet cigars we are passionate about bringing the best experience and sharing the sophistication of cigar smoking for any kind of events from weddings golf tournaments birthday parties formal dinners anniversaries corporate events and.
Cigar bars and cigar rollers for events.